Unlocking the psychology of money

Money & Life Team.

Acclaimed London-based psychologist, writer and broadcaster, Claudia Hammond, shares some compelling insights on the psychology of money and how we can all improve our spending habits.

The key points are as follows:

  • Save more tomorrow
  • Behaviour

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INFOGRAPHIC - The income equation

Nab asset management.

There’s a new focus on generating income in retirement as Australia’s biggest retirement generation grapples with its financial future. Here’s what our ageing population needs to know.

The key points are as follows:

  • How much do you need ?
  • What will the age pension pay ?
  • What do you spend it on ?
  • How much have you got ?
  • What would you like to spend it on ?
  • Did you know ?
  • How are aussies invested ?
  • How well are investors doing ?

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Five good reasons for seeking financial advice

Money & Life team.        

Financial advice isn’t just for people with wealth. Whether you’ve set your sights on owning a home or retiring early, advice from a financial planner can help you make it happen.

The five good reasons are as follows:

  • buying a home
  • starting a family
  • providing for your family
  • getting rid of debts
  • enjoying your retirement

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September 2017

As we wave goodbye to Winter and flowers are beginning to bloom, it’s a sure sign that spring is just around the corner.

The Australian economy has been a bit slower to spring to life, but there are some green shoots. Australian consumers had a new spring in their step as July progressed, thanks to a rising Aussie dollar, lower petrol prices and a jump in full-time employment. Inflation is also under control, with the June quarter CPI easing from 2.1 per cent to 1.9 per cent. This is below the Reserve Bank’s target band of 2-3 per cent, reducing the chance of a rise in official interest rates in the short-term.

To keep you informed, in this newsletter we take a look at 7 strategies for balancing a successful career and parenthood, managing the costs of child care, and how much will your child’s education cost?

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We look forward to hearing from you if you have any questions.


Another five great charts on investing

Shane Oliver, Head of Investment Strategy and Chief Economist.

The following note looks at another five great charts on investing.

The key points are as follows:

  • At its core, successful investing is simple, but we have a knack of making it look complex.
  • Here are another five great charts that help illuminate key aspects of investing: the importance of time in the market relative to timing; the case to look at your investments less; the relationship between risk and return; the importance of diversification; and the role of property.

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The Australian economy bounces back - five reasons why some further pick up is likely

Shane Oliver, Head of Investment Strategy and Chief Economist.

The following note takes a look at the rebound in the Australian economy seen in the June quarter and the outlook. 

The key points are as follows:

  • Australian growth bounced back in the June quarter helped by consumer spending, investment and trade.
  • There is good reason to expect growth to pick up further going forward: the drag from mining investment is fading, non-mining investment is looking better, public investment is strong, trade is adding to growth and profits are rising again. But growth is likely to be constrained around 2.5-3% and underlying inflation is likely to remain low.
  • Expect the RBA's cash rate to remain low for a while yet and Australian shares to move higher by year end, but to continue underperforming global shares.

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The Global Financial Crisis 10 years on- Lessons learned and can it happen again?

It seems momentous things happen in years ending in seven. Well, at least in the last 50 years starting with the “summer of love” in 1967 and the introduction of the Chevrolet Camaro. 

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